2024 Giving Statements are now available for download.
An email was sent to all donors on Friday, February 7, with an email address on file.
If you didn't receive that email, please contact karen@wholelife.church
to update your contact information and receive your email.
Ways To Give
Give In Person
Tithe envelopes for cash and checks are available in the lobby or at the church office as well as baskets as you exit the worship center.
Please make checks payable to:
WholeLife Church.
Please make checks payable to:
WholeLife Church.
By Mail
Please make checks payable to
WholeLife Church,
and mail to:
WholeLife Church
2800 North Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32804
WholeLife Church,
and mail to:
WholeLife Church
2800 North Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32804
By Text
Sign up here and text the keyword and amount to 407-449-1155 (example: “Church Budget 20” donates $20 to church budget).
The Importance of Giving
Giving is part of the foundation upon which we build our church community. Giving helps continue our mission in serving and loving the community. Giving is good for the soul, and the antidote for selfishness.
Why Do We Give?
In the New Testament, the meal of a young boy—a few fish and loaves of bread —fed 5,000 men and women in the hands of Jesus. This act is not possible with ourselves in control, but when we hand our offering to Jesus, we release our grip on our worldly possessions and put them in His hands to help our brothers and sisters in need. The story of the loaves and the fishes shows us the power of even the smallest gift. God doesn’t need our offerings, but when we give we will experience the spiritual rewards of letting go.
Where It Goes
Your generous gifts are a cornerstone for our church and community programs. Here's where your tithes and offerings go:
Church Budget
- Everything we do at WholeLife Church is paid for from the Church Budget.
- Our fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30.
- All of our records are open for review.
- Two components of our budget—local staffing (non-pastor employees) and support of Orlando Junior Academy—cost nearly half a million dollars combined, which is more than half of our annual budget.
- If you have a specific intention for your gift, we strictly honor that request.
World Budget
- These are funds, beyond tithe, which support the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination
- Funds marked “World Budget” provide support for 18 designated ministries
- Biblical tithe is 10% of your profit.
- According to Malachi 3, tithing is not giving but simply returning the portion of our increase God says is His.
- We send 100% of the tithes to the Florida Seventh-day Adventist Conference.
- Your tithe pays our pastors and provide a portion of the support for our teachers at Orlando Junior Academy.
- Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists operates on about 80 cents of every tithed dollar.
- The remaining 20% of tithes support other areas of denominational work.