
The WholeLife Justice Team focuses on making a difference in our community through lasting relationships. We help bring justice to the marginalized through volunteering, awareness, prayer and local partnerships.

Our Mission

To create opportunities for relational engagement within our community in order to bring greater equity both locally and globally.

Our Board

Meet the Justice Ministries Board at WholeLife Church.

Community Resources

Each local county has information on who to contact for food, financial assistance, unemployment. Please check the resources available for your county below.

Local Resources:

WholeLife Church Community Assistance:

WholeLife Church Community Assistance is available to members and non-members meeting certain criteria on a one-time basis. Please utilize the resources listed above before applying. Understand that our screening process typically takes several days, and you will be required to submit supporting documentation for any requests. You may not apply on someone else’s behalf. Please use our Community Assistance Form to apply.

Donate to Support Justice Ministries:

If you are in a position to help support our ministries, please consider giving online. Thank you!

Contact Our Justice Team

If you are in need of assistance or have a question for our team, please use the contact form below: