July 27, 2019
Tim & Vivian Cook
Love is something we all want—we all need, and our modern world provides us all manner of messages and definitions of what love is. But Paul says that there isn't much of what we sing about and talk about that can really get close to the depth of God’s love. In fact, Paul prays for the church that they might be able to somehow grasp this amazing love. Why is it so hard for us to accept, embrace, understand and ultimately translate this core attribute of God?
July 20, 2019
In Control
Dorcia Joliff
We like to be in charge. We like the planning and the scheduling and the organizing and having the final say in what happens and how it happens. However, our desire to be in charge is only an effort to exert control over things none of us can actually control. What if we let go (even just a little bit) because God is in control?
July 13, 2019
Our Help
Daniel & Carla Monnier
Going from a seemingly easy and full life to one that quickly became broken in all manners -- physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Monnier's journey to embrace this new path required overcoming many hurdles. Understanding that there may not be physical healing to come, but spiritual health, is the most important prescription God provides.
July 6, 2019
Megan Couser
Why is God faithful to us, and what happens when we are faithful to God? Faithfulness is the basic ingredient to begin a relationship with God. Faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm, which links us with God and makes Him become a tangible reality.
June 29, 2019
Gracious (Carried to the Table)
Ryan Long
Grace is one of the attributes of God's character that has such a drawing power. It's a simple concept: being given something good that we don't deserve. Yet it boggles the human mind—so much so that many of us have a hard time accepting God's generous gifts to us.
June 22, 2019
Tomas Diaz
Our God is a personal God, and we all relate to him in different ways. He is also a creative God. His creativity is wonderfully on display in nature and human creation, but most importantly throughout our everyday lives. We can trust our God to be in control and that he has a plan for our lives, but more importantly that he has already creatively mapped out how we are to live the rest of our lives with him in Heaven.