Tami Cinquemani

Worship & Liturgy Pastor

Tami serves as the WholeLife Church Pastor of Worship and Liturgy. A native of Chicago, Tami completed her Master of Arts in Worship Studies at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. Tami embraced Christianity for the first time as a young adult and continues to be amazed by the grace and forgiveness she has been given in Jesus. She believes true worship extends beyond church walls and finds Micah 6:8 to give clear and concise direction for life: “to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” Tami and her husband Jeff have a daughter Brittany, son-in-law Joshua, son J.T., daughter-in-law Alyssa, granddaughters Adelyn and Eden, and granddog Mo. In her free time, she enjoys writing, acting, traveling, and cheering on the Chicago Bears.