songwriting contest

WholeLife Songwriting Contest!

Contest Rules:
1. Song must have the theme of "Overflow."
2. Song submission must be a complete song.
3. Song must contain BOTH melody and lyrics.
4. Song must be recorded (an iPhone recording is fine!).
5. Upload must include recorded song file, song lyrics, and chords or notation if available.
6. Deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM on June 30, 2024.
7. Send submissions to

Some tips:
 We are looking for a congregational song, not a solo artist song, so think about the collective group more than personal reflection.
The song should  a) have a good hook, b) have a melody that is easy to sing for most congregation members,
c) have lyrics that are easy to sing, and d) be in an accessible key.
The best song length is less than 4 minutes.
Collaboration with other songwriters is encouraged!
Check out this video for more information on writing worship songs from Phil Wickham. 

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